
LNVH-report 'Hidden differences in work tasks, resources and negotiations on working conditions between female and male scientists in the Netherlands'

Commissioned by the National Network of Female Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren, LNVH), dr. Ruth van Veelen and prof. dr. Belle Derks investigated potential differences in the interpretation of the work as a scientist among more than 4000 scientists in the Netherlands. The report shows that female scientists in the Netherlands spend less time on research and more time on teaching than male scientists. These differences seem to arise mainly when scientists have children: contractually, female scientists with children spend on average 40% of their working time on research, while male scientists with children spend on average 45% on research. For scientists without children there is no difference in contractual agreements on research time, but in practice women spend on average three percent of their time more on teaching and less on research than men. This is about 52 hours per year.

Read the full report here (in Dutch)